NUMBER OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 146 Progress BarsUnlimited colors, custom bar height, bar animation Design / Graphics 90 % HTML 5 / CSS 3 65 % Backend 80 % Customer Support 85 % Design / Graphics 90 % HTML 5 / CSS 3 65 % Backend 80 % Customer Support 85 % Customer Support 85 % Design / Graphics 90 % HTML 5 / CSS 3 65 % Backend 80 % Design / Graphics 90 % HTML 5 / CSS 3 65 % Backend 80 % Customer Support 85 % 0 DAYS OF WORK 0 CUPS OF COFFEE 0 LINES OF CODE 0 HAPPY CLIENTS Donut chartsCustomize the bar, background, label and animation Design / Graphics HTML 5 / CSS 3 Backend Customer Support